Athena maiden goddess of warfare or jealous bitch?

Goddess of: warfare, wisdom, crafts

Children: none

Parents: Zeus and Metis

City: Athens

Symbols: Owl, serpent, Olive tree, shield(Aegeus)

Roman name: Minerva

So the other day am just watching TV minding my own business when a Greek girl getting an owl of Athena tatt goes ahead to say she was the goddess of war.(I mean she was lucky Ares didn't hear her or she would be headed to Hades' realm by now 😁). So I decided to talk about Athena and prevent angering the actual god of war Ares(more about him later). So Athena was a daughter of Zeus. Her birth wasn't what you'd call normal since her mother was eaten by Zeus while she was still in her belly. Zeus had received a prophecy saying that the child to be born by Metis would be greater than him. Zeus sought an easy answer an decided to swallow Metis whole. Only problem with that plan was that the three old hags otherwise known as the fates had other plans. When Metis was swallowed she went on to give birth inside Zeus and the child great to full age. When this happened Athena wanted out so she started banging on Zeus' head. This gave Zeus such a splitting headache (get it because the head was about to be split) that he called Hephaestus god of the forge to help out. Hephaestus helped out the only way he could and split Zeus' head with an axe and out of the head came Athena fully clothed and armed and for some reason this made her Zeus' favorite. 

Athena went on to become the goddess of wisdom craft and warfare(get me right warfare not war) asin the boring part about strategies while Ares got the gory violent part. She is often depicted carrying a sword and a shield on which is Medusa's head(She was gifted this by Perseus story for another day). She eventually went and got a town named after her after beating Poseidon for it. Poseidon never did forgive that he'd later have his revenge by desecrating her temple with Medusa.

She is also credited to creating the spiders due to jealousy of a human called Arachne. Apart from Artemis goddess of the moon, hunt and protector of maidens Athena is the only other maiden goddess. All architecture is credited to this goddess her being the goddess of handicraft and all. The story of how she got Athens named after her will be told in due time if the fates will it. 

Athena helped out several heroes and is highly favored by them. She helped Hercules with his 12 tasks, Perseus by telling him. How to beat medusa, Odysseus on his Odyssey, and Jason when building the ship Argo.

For all her good exploits being a Greek goddess she obviously had one big scandal and for Athena that scandal was named Arachne. 

Athena being the goddess of wisdom and craft is credited with inventing weaving. She was known as the best weaver in the world until one day when a farmers daughter called Arachne claimed she was a better weaver than the goddess. As more people saw Arachne's weaving they began to accept it and this angered the goddess. She came down from Olympus and challenged the human to a weave off. Athena weaved a portrait of how the gods punished humans who went against them while Arachne weaved a portrait of the gods interfering in humans issues and destroying them. When both were finished Athena saw that Arachne's weaving was better than hers and it ridiculed the gods. She got mad and cursed Arachne and turned her into the world's first spider. Not your best moment Athena.


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