Zeus god king or pure bastard?


If you area Greek mythology geek like me you've probably heard of Zeus the chief god,  god of the skies and bearer of the lightning bolt. But how did this god actually come to be?? 
Zeus was born by the Titans Cronus and Rhea. After Cronus had overthrown his father Uranus. Uranus had told him that he was going to be overthrown by his own son who would therefore take the throne. In order to stop this, he decided to swallow all children born to him. His wife Rhea decided to save her last son so that he would teach Cronus a lesson.  Together with Gaia and Uranus they hid Zeus and gave Cronus a rock to swallow. Zeus grew suspended by a branch so that his father who was ruler over land water and sky would not see him. Once he grew he went back and overthrew the Titans. He banished them to Tartarus but gave Atlas the job of holding the sky to make sure it never touched the earth. He then forced his father to vomit his siblings in reverse order of how they were swallowed first came the rock then Poseidon then Hades then Hera, Demeter and Hestia in that order. That is why Zeus Poseidon and Hades are considered the eldest gods.
The gods then cast lots to know how they shall share dominion of the earth.
Zeus became the chief god and ruler of the skies. He then created man so  that he would be worshiped.
Zeus married his sister Hera and begot the gods Ares ,Aphrodite, Hermes, and Dionysus. He then took another wife Leto gave him Artemis and Apollo . It is said that another daughter came from his head wearing full armor (ouch!!! ) and he named her Athena who was his favorite child. He and all other gods decided to live on mount Olympus instead of mount Othrys where the Titans lived.

The greatest weapon to ever be made was believed to be Zeus' lightning rod.

The greatest thing to be made in Zeus ' honor was his seat on earth. It is said that whenever he us very pleased by man he comes down to be with man on that seat. It is also said that after Hitler saw the seat he went on to kill millions of Jewish people, and is speculated Zeus had some sort of beef with the Jewish people, why he had this beef we don't know but damn.
Thunderstorms are also believed to occur when Zeus is very mad or is in a mood to show off.
Zeus is pictured as a muscular figure with long grey hair and beard having in his hand the mightiest weapon the earth has ever seen(sorry Einstein your nuclear bomb looks like a pebble compared to Zeus lightning rod )

The gods' weapons as I will be explaining in another article were made by a man who was tricked by the gods by being told he would be given everlasting life. Thinking it also meant everlasting youth he made the weapons but he  became too old to do anything. (What a rip off😭)


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