Lilith first eve, mother of demons?

In the bible there are two accounts of creation, the first one where man and woman were made at the same time and the second where man came first and then woman was made out of man’s ribs. 

In both accounts man is constant and was made from dirt but for woman one was made from man's (Adam) rib while the other was made at the same time as man and we are not told from what exactly she was made from. 
This woman is actually the first woman to be created meaning she was the first Eve. But Adam and the first Eve did not do well together. One could even go as far as to say she wasn't made from him sorry for him I mean
Woman believed herself to be equals with Adam and sometimes even superior to man. Man did not like this since woman was supposed to be a companion and a helper to him but not an equal. 
So, man complained to God. God was not happy about this and confronted woman. 
Legend says that woman defied God and actually called Him by his name, YHWH, (yes I know it doesn't sound like Yahweh because the vowels were never in the original name they were added later for ease of communication ) a crime punishable by death by the Jewish. 
God was furious and decided to banish the woman. Lilith was banished out of the garden of Eden to the wilderness beyond it. God then made Eve out of Adam's rib. Eve and Adam got together great and they were happy.
Lilith was infuriated by this. In some Jewish literature the serpent who went to lie to Eve is not portrait as a serpent but as a woman(Lilith).
Lilith had only one wish to get her offspring. Since Adam was no longer with her, she could not do this and this saddened her greatly. She cried in the wilderness for years until her tears turned into blood. When this blood fell on the wilderness sand and formed demons.

Lilith and her offspring escaped to Edom since she knew God would not accept her children. When Lucifer the angel was banished from heaven, Lilith gladly gave up her offspring to Lucifer for his war against God since she was still seeking vengeance from the creator of the man who rejected her. They do say hell hath no further like a woman scorned!!! If there is actual fact to this story am not the one to decide but hey at least we now know the story of Lilith mother of demons


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